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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Making Something Old New Again

Is there anyone out there that is as obsessed with HGTV's Home Town series? It takes place in Laurel Mississippi; Ben and Erin Napier renovate old homes after someone buys them. Some are fairly cheap. They do an awesome job on the houses. 

Thirty-five years ago, my husband and I moved to South Carolina. We didn't have family here, but we did have another couple we were close to here. Neither of us have looked back at all. Even though we miss our family in Ohio and Pennsylvania, we do not miss the weather. And we would have never blossomed as we did here. 

Why am I telling this story? March 2019, my little sister, Barbara, moved to South Carolina! She has been living with us while working on a house she bought in the Hyatt Park area in Columbia. The house was empty for 18 years. She won a bid on the house. 

It has been a family affair working on the house. Bob helped her get the outside done He has helped with the inside, but not as much as he would like. She is getting down to the wire and should be moving into the house in 2-3 months. My son, Evan, poured a cement sidewalk. Every time any of us are there working on it, someone stops and asks us if she is going to rent it, or sell it. She's even gotten post cards and phone calls about it.

The outside is AMAZING! The first picture is what it looked like when she bought it, the 2nd picture (blue paint) is what is looks like now.

As soon as the interior is completed, I'll post pictures. This is what it looked like when she bought it. She has taken down walls, moved walls, taken down all the drywall. Yes - I said SHE! The only thing someone has done for her is the electrical. She is having a plumber redoing the plumbing and the roof is being redone. I know when I post the finished interior, you will be blown away! She is so good at renovating homes! 

Obviously this is the bathroom. YUCK!

This one we call (you'll be surprised) the green room! LOL! The wall is down and it now opens into the kitchen.


The kitchen. The old cabinets are going away, the wallpaper too.

This will be the master bedroom. The wall has been moved a few feet. I love all the windows. Which have all been replaced!

This is the guest room. 

Luckily, Barbara works for Lowes so the can find items (like tile) on sale before it's all picked over. I am so excited she is here and she's going to have such a cute little house for herself!

Stay tuned for the finished home!

1 comment:

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